
NextSMEs Outcomes

Our objectives and results focus on sustainable growth and successful generational transitions for family-led SMEs. We strive to support their resilience and long-term prosperity across the European Union.

Project Objectives

Here is what we had in mind to achieve when we started NextSMEs…

Develop customized training modules and educational resources to meet the unique needs of family-owned businesses, emphasizing the preservation of enterprises and providing essential tools for their survival.

Project Results

Discover the impactful outcomes of the NextSMEs initiative, designed to support family-led SMEs across Europe.

Transnational Report on Family SMEs

Transnational Report on Family SMEs

Comprehensive SWOT Analysis Results

A detailed overview of family-run SMEs across participating countries, highlighting their unique challenges and opportunities. This report, developed through an in-depth SWOT analysis, provides critical insights to guide sustainability and growth strategies.

Comprehensive Training Curriculum

Comprehensive Training Curriculum

Empowering Family-Led SMEs

A modular curriculum with micro-credentials, covering key areas such as professionalism, succession planning, financial management, innovation, and governance. Designed to ensure the sustainability and growth of family-led SMEs.

Interactive Online Learning Platform

Interactive Online Learning Platform

Supporting SME Growth and Innovation

An Open Educational Resource (OER) platform providing training modules, lectures, and digital content for family-led SMEs. Piloting activities validate the platform’s effectiveness for practical use.

Guide for VET Providers

Guide for VET Providers

Integrating SME Training into Programs

A comprehensive guide designed to help Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers incorporate the tailored curriculum into their teaching programs, fostering practical learning for family-led SMEs.

Strategic Plan for Family SMEs

Strategic Plan for Family SMEs

Succession Planning and Conflict Resolution

A digital self-assessment tool offering family SMEs practical guidance for succession planning and resolving internal conflicts. This strategic plan ensures long-term sustainability and smoother generational transitions.

Comprehensive Transversal Plans

Comprehensive Transversal Plans

Dissemination, Monitoring, and Sustainability

Development and implementation of plans focusing on effective dissemination, impact monitoring, and sustainability to ensure the project’s long-term success and relevance for family-led SMEs.

Latest News & Articles

Stay informed with the latest updates and insights about the NextSMEs initiative. There’s more to explore in the articles below!